Historical Review
Creation of a 3 line slaughterhouse unit (Kavala).
Installation of new units – breeding stations (17000 m2).
Expansion of standardization unit.
Creation of lambs fattening unit in the Area of Gravounas.
Buying out 41% of the company Dellas G. & Tsakanikas Anonymous Commercial and Industrial Company.
Expansion of chopping – emaciation space (Kavala).
New Freezers for the production of frozen beef / pork.
Construction of biogas and soil improver production unit of an overall cost of 2,750,000 € (Kavala)
Absorption of the subsidiary company “Dellas G. & Tsakanikas P. Anonymous Commercial and Industrial Company”.
Changing of company’s name to “KRE.KA. S.A.
Installation of a high potential cremation unit.
Expansion of facilities to the Central market O.K.K.A. with augmentation of activities on wholesale / imports.
Construction of new storing solid waste freezers.
Creation of product production unit based on meat.
Commencement of export activity of products to E.U. countries (branch office of Ioannina).
Production of new products (meat preparation / products based on meat).
Operation of Collection of Calves / Lambs Centers & their Approval as Places of Control for the export of live animals to Third countries.
Augmentation of potentiality of the waste elaboration unit (Kavala).